Originally Posted By: yatescj7
Originally Posted By: hoodlum
Originally Posted By: MeyerLansky
Originally Posted By: Tonytough
How's the book. Worth the penny ??

As for Savino, absolutely. I remember discussing that in an old thread, Chin let his guard down because he saw "green".

Chin most definitely wasn't as smart as everyone made him out to be..and the only reason why he survived so long as boss was 1. His crazy act 2. Fact he didn't ask for much money from his capos.

The capos were only too happy for a guy like chin, he takes the heat and they get to keep more money.

Why "they get to keep more money" ?
He took 10% from every capo right ?
I support tough tonys claim..most capos have 2 divvy up way more than 10%..usually 30%..depends on the boss,look @ joe profaci ,who wanted about over half ..thats how initially the gallo war started,am i right?..fuckin' scarfo was THE greed of all greediest mothers 2 rula a family,he figured he had it coming 2 him,cause of the monotonous of being stuck in a.c. since 63..even though he was makin' ends meet more than handsomely according 2 Serp...& chin did certainly take off the heat so the capos could operate in relative peace..the feds were so intent on nailing the chin,they took their eyes off who was really doing the street work & literally bringing in the proceeds.

Actually, Scarfo wasn't that greedy. Sure, according to Phil Leonetti he took the whole share once or twice, but on most occasions Scarfo set up what they called "The Elbow" which consisted of him and like 6 or 7 of his closest guys.Maniac? Yeah. Bloodthirsty, yeah. Greedy? Not really. Not with money anyways. He was all about the power and the life.

I'm not entirely sure he was greedy with his capos or not but when they dealt with anyone ie when Crow was dealing with that office, Crow had to continuously inform them Scarfo was taking a bigger cut just because he felt like it

& isn't that what kicked off the Riccobene war?! They were used to kicking up a certain amount but Scarfo wanted more and they bulked