he played Obama I cant even imagine what he is doing to do to Trump. I am all for the West and Russia to start working closely together I even encourage it there is bigger threats at the moment with terriosm
Hello Gangstereport.
How exactly did Putin play Obama?
How can the West and Russia work closely together if Putin is busy playing the American president whomever that might happen to be?
Did you know there is a connection between Russia and Islamic fundamentalists?
Putin made Obama look like an jdiot with Ukraine it was an embarrassment for the US and EU. He played Obama in Syria when the US tried to help terrorists beat Assads government then as soon as they started winning he just backed Syrian Government who are now winning the US is losing at its own game. Turkey which is now a US ally is now a Russian because the US backed a coup which they lost. He hacked the Democratic partys emails which is an embarrassment US meant to be the most powerful country in the world but your getting hacked by a broke country not even close to the US strength.
2)Funny you misquoted a tiny section of what I said read what I said I would like for the west and Russia to work together however it could be impossible because Russia could have ulterior motives.

How about the US you guys are the biggest sponsors and creators of terrorists you guys are the reason the world is in a mess you helped create Al Qaeda and ISIS fucked up the middle East look at Iraq, Libya and Syria that's on you guys no one else what you just said is the most hypocrite anti Russian programmed I have seen on this site where do you get your news from? Who are these Islamic fundamentalists they are supporting Assad government? really compared to ISIS and Syrian Al Qaeda rebels you guys have helped what a joke this is why whole world thinks you guys are the biggest hypocrites
I am no Russia supporter I have always condemned there actions but some of the stuff I read especially in the US media about Russia is ridiculous. I consider the US to be just as bad if not worse than Russia when it comes to foreign policy