Funny you should mention that. Soccer America a on line football news in it a women doctor wrote make sure the kids use sun screen. They must think we as coaches are stupid and don't know to make sure all the players wear it. We find a spot early in the shade and they stay their between games. We even send them in groups to go to the bathroom. All we have to do is lose one of them forgetabout it. I don't know which one I have it's like a 50. Always put it on exposed areas back of the neck, nose, I wear a hat with a shade. We always make sure my grandkids are covered in it. When they are in the pool or go to the beach same thing. I don't have to worry about looking pale. My mother looked black when she was in the sun.
Glad you use common sense. From my observation most men don't bother with sunblock and have to be reminded by us females. My kids don't burn but I still put a 30 or 50 on them depending how long they'll be out in the sun. I use a 35 on my face daily. Years ago we would use a 2 spf or baby oil

Never sunblock.
This Aveeno lotion I'm talking about is non-greasy and does the job if you are in and out of the sun during the day. When playing sports or going to the pool or beach, it would be best to use sunblock.