Faithful1, not sure if you still post on here. Hope all is well. I FINALLY tried one of those little cheeseburgers from Five Guys. Remember we were talking about them? That was a damn good burger. Yum.
Five Guys is good stuff, in the conversation for Best Burger. I like mine with cheese, grilled onion, sauteed mushroom, lettuce and sometimes BBQ sauce or A-1 (but never both).
That sounds good, Mr. Blonde. I wouldn't put lettuce on it though if I had the mushrooms. I had to order mine with the basics, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and ketchup no onions or bbq sauce definitely no mushrooms because we had to sneak it into the movie theater. If I ordered it with all the good stuff like you did, I'm sure the aroma from my purse would be too strong and they'd say excuse me please step out of line, there is no outside food or drink allowed

And if I had to throw my burger away I would cry