Originally Posted By: ledblimp
Originally Posted By: FrankMazola
Originally Posted By: BillyBrizzi

I couldn't agree more Oak, In my opinion Marcello is one of the most obscure but immensely powerful godfathers in the entire history of the Mob. The amount of territory he controlled was huge. We're talking Louisiana, Mississippi and significant parts of Texas and Alabama.

He is.... but how did his empire just 'crumble' after his death. I mean going from one of the preeminent members of LCN hierarchy to zilch in a few years? Weird.

One of the thoughts on that is apparently Marcello never opened the books. I've only come across one name of a guy that was made during his time. By the time Marcello died in '93 all the "young" guys were pushing towards their 60's or so.

If Marcello never opened the books during his reign, how is that there were still members in their fifties when he died? Were they made in their diapers before Marcello became boss?

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."