Originally Posted By: Ciment
I have never said or implied that the ndrangheta will win the war with the feds. Ndrangheta members still get arrested in Italy due to wiretapping and other methods that police use. What I said was if the NY mafia continues on the same path of self destruction by having informants testify on their own people then someone else (ndrangheta) will fill the void.

And if they fill the void they will be on the radar of the feds, which I can imagine is something they want to avoid.

Furthermore, it seems the feds and the mob have reached a status quo. The feds mob squads are downsized and there hasn't been a turncoat in years that is doing much damage to the families. At this point attrition poses a bigger treat to the existance of the mob, but this is a slow process that will take many more years and within these years anything can happen.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."