I'm really glad you let everyone on the forum know why you were gone for so long. I was getting asked how and where you were but if you noticed I never folded under questioning lol.
When I first started posting on this forum you greeted me with the warmest of welcomes. Being a female among many males can be a little intimidating to some. And if someone said something inappropriate, you were right there to protect me which was so sweet. I kept telling you that I know how to handle these men but you didn't buy it. My pm flashy light would blink and I'd get a warning from you, watch out for him or be careful lol. And that made me feel really special that you cared that much about me. I think you always looked out for everyone's best interest on the forum. We had a fun time in the beginning especially when you would get cranky or act old (you're not even old) and lecture us "kids" about how things will never be the same and give us all your "take it from a guy who has lived in this neighborhood all his life" speech

giggle. The best was when you'd ask a question about something techie and I'd reply to you with some off the wall answer and you would ALMOST fall for it. Aha ha ha like the time I told you that you had to put not only a thumb print but YOUR TOE PRINT on your iPhone 6 lmao.

Ha ha ha ha you almost fell for it. I was on the floor laughing so hard. Lol
But, then the forum became a very dramatic and dark place with a lot of jealousy and hate. I would have to witness these terrible trolls attack you and that would break my heart. And the worst was that Jack B. I wanted to fly over to wherever that Hacker Jacker lived and ring that guy's neck. I still do. I kept telling you don't let that guy win. And you finally came to the realization that he was never going to leave you alone and you had to ignore him.
We had a few fights and arguments of our own during that time. But, we also had our own therapy sessions too. Either somebody was bothering me that day and you'd put up your psychologist sign to hear my problems or I'd listen to all the bullshit you had to deal with that day. No matter what, we always found time to be there for one another. And that is what friendship is all about. To think that a person can find a friend like you on a gangster forum of all places has to be the work of angels.
I don't think you realize how many members on this forum feel a very deep connection to you. It's your natural ability to write, get your message across in a way only the very best teachers and scholars can do. And the little jokes and all those silly smiley faces and puns you'd add would never go unnoticed. At times, you were a comedian.
You not only took valuable time out of your day to post to give us a front seat to a life we could never see. But you would go one step further by taking pm's and answering questions making each and every one of us feel like our question was most important to you. The respect and courtesy you would give to the members showed everyone that you are ALL CLASS. Always a gentleman. Sometimes cranky, but always so courteous. And I will miss you so much.

This forum will NEVER be the same without you. Love you, 57. Oh excuse me, Almost 58. Giggle