Originally posted by thug:
Does The Wizard of Oz or Singin' in the Rain or Duck Soup or Star Wars have any great substance in it? Does GoodFellas, for that matter? I'll be surprised if many people claim they do, but I'll be even more surprised if a great many people claim they aren't masterpieces. Movies don't have to have substance. Sure, it certainly helps a whole lot, but there are so many pure-entertainment films that I rank as masterpieces--Scarface included. In fact, a movie cannot be great if it is completely devoid of any entertainment whatsoever.
I don't really look at it that way. Eraser always entertains me a lot, and that was it's only reason for being made, but it's one of the worst monstrosities to come out of the 90's. Some films aren't made for entertainment, and can be boring. This is the very reason my favorites list differs to BEST EVER. Entertainment is too basic a feeling to me to rate a film on.

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006