This is the way I saw it. Jimmys brother lost his law firm. Howard bought him out. That put him over the edge before that he was getting better. He fixed up his house and turned the electricity on. Then he relapsed destroyed his house trying to shut off the power himself. Then at the end he knew he was not getting better. So he kicked his light off the table and set his house on fire with him in it. Bye bye chuck.

Then Nacho knew hector was going to kill his father. So he just decide to shoot hector. Then a couple of hectors guys showed up. Also a cartel guy and Gus showed up. Cartel guy said all drug were to be moved in Gus trucks and not with Nacho father. So Nacho is off the hook he does not have to kill hector after all. That news pissed off hector and had an attack. This time the pills worked. But for some reason Gus helped save hectors life I guess because dieing was too good for him. Nacho got rid of the pills in the bottle. But you can see Gus looked at Nacho like he knew what Nacho tried to do. Good news for Nacho it looks like he is back next season possibly working for Gus.

Now Jimmy he tried to make up with his brother no dice. Chuck said don't bother because chuck said he did not care about him. Now Jimmy is taking care of his girl friend law partner. I don't know why he did not ask her to marry him he obviously loves her. After her accident they resolves their partnership for now so she could recover. I guess next year they go their separate ways. Jimmy feels guilty about what he did too the old lady. So he purposely said something so they can hear that he did not care about them so they would make up with each other, but now they hate him. So elder care goes out the window next season. He officially become saul next season. Best part for me was a part that they left on the cutting room floor found it on youtube. You know under the bridge where Jimmy worked cleaning. You saw a women and two kids sitting there singing together. It was Mrs kettlemen and her kids singing so that a prisoner cleaning under the bridge heard them. It was a bearded Mr. kettlemen).

only the unloved hate