So sad to say, but my parents' friend who had pulmonary fibrosis just passed away.

She was like an aunt to me. What's so bizarre was that her son told me she passed away 45 minutes after I left her house. She gave me a kiss good-bye on the cheek and a blessing, made the sign of the cross on my forehead. And I went home. Sal, her husband, and her sons are convinced that my late Father put it in my head to visit her that day at that time so we could say our good-byes to one another. This happened on Monday. They couldn't find my number and the one on Sal's phone had the last two digits wrong so he kept calling some other girl instead of me. Finally, one of his sons figured out the number to call me today to give me the bad news:( So, I was the last person to have a conversation with her. She was physically very weak but in good spirits. So, I did most of the talking. And the sons wanted me to recite the whole conversation to them. I'm still in shock. Poor Sal and his sons. They're having such a hard time. Feel so badly for them.