Blitz anti-Camorra in the Ponticelli district in Naples, against 23 people allegedly responsible for a variety of breach of criminal association mafia, homicide, extortion, detention and illegal harboring of weapons, reception and fire with the aggravating of the mafia method.
The investigations, coordinated by the DDA in Naples, allowed to rebuild the rise of the De Micco clan, once the rib of the clan Cuccaro, which by the end of 2012 was imposed in the district of Ponticelli. For investigators, this is an autonomous organization, with all the features of a Camorra-style association, such as hierarchical structure, territorial control, squatting squares and extraterritorial activities.
Theinvestigations have allowed to reconstruct the criminal context in which the murder of Salvatore Solla and the attempted murder of Giovanni Ardu occurred on December 23, 2016, identifying the perpetrators and the material authors.
The episode is part of the war between the De Micco clan and Salvatore Solla, a former affiliate of the Sarno clan.
The Clan tattoo