Originally Posted By: Aces
There is a big misconception regarding Gotti’s intelligence. Same with Scarfo.
Everyone is born with a special talent. Gotti had a natural ability to lead. Thats really what it boils down to. Most people dont have that quality.
He probably had average to above average intelligence. But who knows, he never took the SAT exam.
He was not dumb, thats for sure. People naturally gravitated towards him, he had that gift. Those who have that gift arent dumb.
Let me ask you guys this.. the United States put all their resources into arresting one guy ( Gotti ). Do you really think he would of never been arrested if he wasnt so high profile??? Maybe he would of been on the streets another year, if it wasnt gravano who flipped, it would of been someone else. You have to remember, the gambino’s were the biggest and most profitable family at that time. There is no way you can bring in that kind of money without the feds targeting you.
It boiled down to this.. the FBI against one guy.. who wins??

i never denied his ability to attract guys to follow him. He did have a ability to lead in a way. HOWEVER i still dont think he was a smart guy. He wasnt a dummy but ill put it this way...he wasnt as smart as he thought he was or like he said in his prison tapes