So since i got a lot of private messages about cryptocurrencies i will write here about it.
So the bitconnect i mentioned in the post above is the service where you can lend your btc to them for trading if u lend over 10,000$ u get investment back in 120 days(doubling your money)

There is a lot of ways to make a lot of money by investing in projects,
if u invested 8500$ in bitcoin 2 months ago now u would have 30,000$. Eth is currently on the rise because banks are investing in it,its much more stable than bitcoin.
You can also do research and find private groups of whales(whale is a person with A LOT of money im talking about millions of $),there are also guys like this,with over 2 billion $.
So in their private groups they talk about manipulating the market with sell walls and buy walls,its called pump and dump,by knowing what they will do,you can invest in project and when they pump it,sell it. Im talking about doubling or triple your money(most i did was x6 of investment)
You can also take a look at some PoS & PoW coins,where you generated them not by mining(like bitcoin) but with just holding them.
Anyway this forum is not for this,so i wont be posting about this anymore.Only pm.