Originally Posted By: Footreads
Back to trump. The next thing he wants to do is interstructUre. He wants it done with government money and with the private sector money. That way the costs are less. Plus he wants the poor to train and learn a trade through a program paid for by the private sector. I agree with that but the democrats want it all done with government money. That is how fucked up they are.

They don’t want the poor to learn a trade. They want them to go to college even a bad college. Instead of learning a trade where they can work for themselves and eventually make more then lower class money. Some people are not college material my youngest son was not and neither was I. I suspect got thrown out of HS for fighting in my senior year can’t do that in catholic school.

My genius brother went to polytechnic that was a big engeneering school years ago. He is 80 years old now still working. Can’t retire he borrows money from me never pays it back. Can’t stay married at least he can still fuck we are both lucky in that way.

True. The prosperity we have seen in just a year under this administration will be completely stopped in its tracks if the Democrats take back control. Look to see a big market sell-off and a possible recession should Democrats regain control. Analysts are already predicting this in 2019 and it is based largely off a democratic party mid-term victory.

Vote in your own interests people. And your interests should be in America prospering.