I'm 33, my parents were born in 1960. My parents are blue collar and made just enough to pay bills, feed us, and put food on the table. There were never family vacations. They didn't drink or do drugs. With my brother and I, from my earliest memories "You need to get straight A'S go to college so you can have a good life. You need to be a doctor or a lawyer." They would never let me do manual labor around the house. If it weren't for my grandfather's I wouldn't have learned to mow a lawn. My point is, a lot of parents pushed their kids to go to college because they didn't go and they had this idea that if you go to college you'll be set for lIfe. A lot of kids listened to their parents and went right from high school to college. Some succeeded and did well, but most acquire giant student loan debts drop out or get useless degrees and settle for a job at Lowe's.I had a professor once tell the class that college isn't going to make you rich, the purpose is to broaden your knowledge. These student loan debts have become the norm. It's normal for someone to graduate four years and have 50k in debt nowadays. I listened to my parents and went to college right after school and called it quits after a year. Then I got into carpet installation with my cousin, then did carpentry for seven years, which made me a man and taught me how to think for myself, then got into nursing and now that I work three days a week, and going back to school for pharmacy. But when my kids are getting close to graduating, if they don't know what they want to be, they're not going to college to figure it out. They will go do construction or work at Publix. I will not force a college education on them.