Originally Posted by WhackWhack
If they were smart they pick the next Barney Bellomo type for boss and not someone with a ton of baggage. Before that one snitch brought him up in the early 90's the Feds had no idea who he was. In today's day and age guys like Madonna, Crea etc too high profile. Just due to all the time in and out of the can or even being mentioned in the press. I really wonder where the mob will get their talent from 20 years down the line even if the rules are as lax as must have an Italian father/surname.

That’s there down fall , nobody to groom the young properly and if you can find decent guys you have to make sure they are not on the blow and OxyContin the dope is killing these guys they are on the street most of there young adult life’s and many get a habit and they are done after that.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."