Originally Posted by Revis_Island
That looks kind of confusing. But so there is not just one boss who everyone answers to? Just families within one family?

The difference between cosa nostra and ndrangheta is that of cosa nostra are knowned all the ranks:made man,caporegime,consigliere,underboss and boss but the ndrangheta ranks are many more and not all are knowed outside the ndranghet.
The ndrangheta is divide in 2 societies: the minor society and the major society.

At the bottom of the hierarchy is the ndrina that is composed by a family which controls a particular territory such as a town or a district of a city, and other affiliated subjects. The name of a 'ndrina therefore is nothing more than the surname of the family or in some cases the surnames of more families that over time have tight ties also driven by economic reasons (Pelle-Vottari, Nirta-Strangio etc).

The boss of a ndrina is called capobastone and more ndrine form the Locale

In a ndrina you can be made by birth or by merit,this are the ranks:

Giovane d'Onore: affiliated because is son of a ndranghetantista with the hope that will follow his father in the ndrangheta;
Picciotto d'Onore: a ndrangheta soldier;
Camorrista: this rank is similar with the caporegime,usually is more old than the picciotti and give orders to them;
Sgarrista:the one who collects the bribes and takes care of the accounting, similar to the Cosa Nostra's consigliere

If a 'Ndrina within the local' Ndrangheta reaches the number of 50 made men, the capobastone can give life to the so-called "detached ndrina" that grows in importance compared to the other 'ndrine and extends over the territory concerned; However, the detachment must be authorized by Locale.

[Linked Image]

And now know the Major Society or Società Maggiore

To climb the hierarchy (especially if you aren't a son of a member) must have the doti (dowry) o the fiori (flowers).

Every Locale had his boss,an accountant, who manages finances, and a crimine (crime), which governs how to settle accounts with rival gangs, organizing killings, extortions and ambushes. The only structure above the premises, in the past was the Santa.
Tha Santa can be created only if in a locale there are 7 santisti,for this a ndrina made a meeting in a place that first must be baptized by the capo-società with a rite,and is him that chair the meeting.

The Santa was created in the 1970s and with the years there was too many santisti and a new rank was created aka the Vangelista so called from the fact that he swears to the cosca with his hand on the Gospel, this a almost honorary role, obtained for criminal merits.
Quintino, previously known as trequartino and still now called godfather, is the right arm, similar to the underboss of Cosa Nostra, which helps the Capobastone in the management of 'ndrina and can take his place in his absence. often led by a godfather.
Recapitulating there is a compartmentalization between the two societies, and each has its own rites and ranks.

Società minore (Minor Society)


Società Maggiore (Major Society)

Quartino and trequartino
Godfather or Quintino
Crusade (discovered in 2010)
Stella (discovered in 2010)
Bartolo (discovered in 2010)
Mammasantissima or Mamma (discovered in 2010)
Infinity (discovered in 2010)
Count Ugolino (discovered in 2010)

I hope I was clear.