I know what the Cosa Nostra is and again your misunderstood something so simple. Do all the CLANS have INTERNATIONAL BRANCHES!? Yes or No. Thet all in the same ASSOCIATION known as Ndrangheta BUT they AREN'T under 1 boss. Multiple bosses for each ndrina. Therefore the comparison wasn't stupid just MISUNDERSTOOD to you.
yes, ndrangheta has not a real boss of bosses, in the operation 'crimine' police said oppedisano was, but just in name not like totò riina for sicilian mafia who was really the boss of bosses who commanded other bosses anyway the fact they are not under 1 boss it means nothing, ndrangheta is a single big hierarchical criminal group, with ranks and ceremonies, divided into several crime families (locali) and sub-groups (ndrine) under a body of control with the most important bosses (crimine/camera di controllo) several ndrangheta clans have intenrational branches, i don't know exactly how many street gangs like crisp and bloods in the states may have several crews in several cities but they are not all connected each other, there is not a national coordination of bosses like cosa nostra, there are not specific ranks
Thank you for answering the question. I was curious about that ans seems this new revalation that there a hierarchical group seems rather vague. Also, It's CRIPs not crypts and yes some are connected to each other through family and business ties. You and many on here are just not aware of it. Like i said, certain groups have more connections then others.
If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito. - African Proverb