Thank you for answering the question. I was curious about that ans seems this new revalation that there a hierarchical group seems rather vague. Also, It's CRIPs not crypts and yes some are connected to each other through family and business ties. You and many on here are just not aware of it. Like i said, certain groups have more connections then others.
that's what italian police said after the operation 'crimine', ndrangheta is a big single hierarchical criminal group i doubt honestly that crips and bloods in the states are even close to it. they are just gangs under a flag but non connected eachother if not sporadically nigerian mafia yes, it's like the italian mafia
Operation Crimine shows there's a hierarchical structure but still have rivalry between ndrina clans. So the structure is more to the ndrina individual .
Again, Certain Crips/Bloods sets have a strong connections and those cliques visit the HQ regular and pay dues. You simply just don't know this.
If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito. - African Proverb