Originally Posted by m2w
whatever you want, there is not any valid proof triads and especially yakuza are older than italian syndicates
even if the oldest yakuza group which been around in 1870s (do you have valid proof?) it would be younger than camorra and sicilian mafia (there are valid proofs camorra was active in 1820s and sicilian mafia in 1830s)
i'm high interested in all kind of oc groups but yes focus more on italian ones being the most succesfull

No it's whatever you want to believe in regards to everything you read historically. I've litetally told you the name of the Yakuza group, look them up. I don't know why you consider them older when there's multiple sources pointing to the designated timeline.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb