Originally Posted by m2w
Please list off any italian crime clan that have continous to exist since the 1800s. Show me your proof of these clans. Until then it's Yakuza & Triads.

all the crime familes based in western sicily are active since 1800s and still are, they are the same clans, change only the name of the boss
for example antonino giammona was the boss of uditore family since the middle 1800s, and uditore family still exists, like several other ones
sicilian mafia itself is a hierarchical and single big group since the 1800

You see that's where we have different definitions of continuous group and a historic group. From my understanding, Antonini Giammona corsa is one od the earilest known gang in the Uditore district. There's more than 1 corsa that exist in that district now and there's no information that shows direct descendant from Giammona's crew. I haven't seen a source from Palermo referring to a specific corsas as being that old and refer to Uditore district as a histroric location or origin site. Japan Times and Japan's National Police Agency have mentioned the Aizukotetsu-kai being active since the 1870s/80s.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb