AR15s are the favorite weapon of mass shooters
So what? Yes, AR-15's have been used in multiple mass shootings. But here's some information for you about Friday's shooting that the media is "forgetting" to report:
1) It's illegal to bring a firearm onto school grounds
2) It's illegal to saw the barrel off of a shotgun
3) It's illegal for a 17-year-old to posses a gun
4) It's illegal to carry without a permit in Texas
5) It's illegal to discharge a weapon in public
6) It's illegal to bring ammo on school grounds
7) It's illegal to shoot and murder people
8) It's illegal to conceal your weapon without a permit
But yeah, we just need one more law. That'll do it!

Also, I came across this little nugget. Tell me again how we'll stop banning with just the AR-15 with legislation like this currently introduced in the House of Representatives?
H.R. 5717