Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Has Trump ever been implicated in murders? No? Then he's got nothing on the Clintons.


What qualifies someone as having been "implicated" in a murder?

Because there's a theory out there that they were?

If Alex Jones says someone murdered somebody, that counts as an "implication"?

The Clintons have never been convicted of a murder.

They've never been charged with a murder.

No DA, grand jury, or law enforcement agency has ever launched an investigation into any alleged murders the Clintons may have been involved in.

But.....but....they were implicated in a murder, I tell ya! That ought to count for something!

"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea