Originally Posted by Ciment
Originally Posted by RollinBones
Originally Posted by Ciment
The shoe was on the other side for 8 years under Obama.

Obama also boosted his own political clout as well to say otherwise is foolish.

Trump didn't force the players. He stated his opinion that it was wrong for players not to stand for the anthem and many fans agreed with him.
Show me the executive order or law that forces them to stand, there is no such thing. This falls under the realm of company or corporate policies.
Why does a fan who pays good money to go to a game have to put up with their action of disrespecting the flag.The fans go there for entertainment not for political purpose or any other agenda people want to express. If this is allowed where does it stop, are we going to allow pro-life people , pro-abortion and any other group there champion their cause as well.
As I said before players who want to champion their cause can do so on their time. Many of them are famous and will have no problem attracting people and the press to convey their messages. In doing so,they may even attract more people to share their cause but using the flag anthem as a platform will only cause division as it already did.

Please show me exactly where Obama explicitly exerted his influence to force a corporate policy to be altered the way Jerry Jones testified Trump did.

And to be honest, it’s not about Trump personally or Obama, it’s about abuse of the executive office. That’s what none of you seem to want to answer. Take away the names and party affiliations. Are you alright with the president forcing private businesses to change their policies for their own political gain? Yes or no.

Show me how Trump forced him. You are the one that mentioned the word force.You haven't shown me nothing. Jerry Jones can say many things.
Obama not so affordable healthcare, did he not establish a penalty for those not wanting to register ? Did he not force nun's to provide condoms by bring them to court. His cronies went after ten commandment monuments, the cross, nativity displays.

So no yes or no to my final question?