The premise here is a little crazy. A group of 5 friends play tag every year during the month of May and one of them (Jeremy Renner) is looking to retire after this last season. Renner has never before been tagged as long as they've been playing so the rest of the group goes to extreme lengths in order to prevent him from retiring with a perfect record. The story actually worked quite well for me. The first time I viewed the trailer I was wondering how this was sustainable as a film but I give director Jeff Tomsic and writers Rob McKittrick, Mark Steilen, Mark Steilen and Russell Adams credit for pulling it off. The cast is well-rounded and seems to bounce off of each other well. Everybody is given roughly the same amount of screen time and for my money, Renner stole the show. How much of this story is true I don't know because some of the things these guys went through in order to tag Renner's character was pretty crazy (and hilarious at the same time). As a quick side note: Jeremy Renner actually broke both of his arms during this film while performing a stunt. 6/10