Originally Posted by 2a

Thanks for answer TPV .

By the way what do you think of the claim ( that I'm quite honestly partial to ) that certain Western governments overstate the influence and power of Russian organized crime in order to score political talking points for their anti Russian agenda ?

I'm not pro Russian government FWIW , but I can't help but agree to a certain extent that the most recent Russian OC busts here in the States were ( at least somewhat ) politically motivated .

I generally have an opinion that Politicians and Media overstate a lot of things and not always say the truth. Politicians especially are very tricky people who have to compete with other politicians in order to succeed, so they will use anything they can to gain recognition. So ROC for them would be a good treat to use the situation and show that they "care for people". Russian Mafia is familiar to other crime groups in the world, just with their traditions and system of work. There are many more crime groups in the world from other countries that bring as much threats to Western Countries as same as the Russian Mafia.

I'm not sure if they were politically motivated, but with all the attention to Western Countries vs Russia situation at the moment, it could be that these structures who do investigations on ROC have somewhat motivation from their higher-up's. Such as if a president would be killed, the investigation and recognition would be much bigger than any other usual murder case. In short words - you need to show that you do your job.