Does anyone give a shit about ms13, or Quebec or the ndrangheta or these 100 articles Cement posts 100 times a day. Front page is littered with that stuff and 95% of it is just Cement.
If I’m wrong then carry on but I have a feeling the majority doesn’t give a shit about that.
First of all, you have your facts wrong, the Ndrangheta articles and the Quebec articles are shared by many others not just myself.
Obviously there are other issues going on with you.

I suggest you put forward your complaint to the moderator and let him decide.
Here is a list where I post some of the articles:
War In Montreal far from over..... 172,976 views
Irish OC...................................... 123,491 views
Ndrangheta................................. 28,791 views
Mexican cartel.............................17,567 views
Mobsters & gangster flashback.. 7,331 views
MS-13..........................................8,797 views
Quebec Bikers............................5,545 views
Trump kicken Ass.......................19,323 views
Taking into account all these views, It seems that you are in the minority Michael Giovanni !!!