I'll add that there were two posters in this thread who asserted that Chantelle Almeida was the murdered Commisso's girlfriend and that one poster thought it likely the two were boyfriend and girlfriend. Furthermore, all the Italian-language articles being published by the Calabrian news outlets are incorrectly reporting that Almeida was Commisso's fidanzata.

This double homicide was terribly violent. Almeida might have been killed in the vehicle simply for being a witness. Commisso was found in the driveway when police arrived, suggesting that he was dragged from the car. I think that getting the personal details right about the victims is important--that is, we should ask who these people really were and were not. I have seen online speculation elsewhere about Almeida that has me wondering how complete strangers can justify her being killed because she was Commisso's girlfriend, which of course they got wrong big-time.