the bigger the family has more spots to be filled technically. agree with serp whose your sponcer and how much clout he has and how much he is pushing for you to get made i cant think of a example of my head but ive read a few times a capos pushing for a guy to get made for a yr or 2 but the books are closed then the boss goes to jail or maybe the guy trying to get inducted so if takes time. like the guy from the colombos bf guerra is a persico family friend and did a ton of time and the time to get inducted just never got set up and the guys been proposed since the 90tys and still isnt made. unless they did it in jail to. if i waited 20 30 yrs to join the mob doing it in jail would suck but it would have to do. sammy the bulls explanation about his induction in his book was a good chapter. he felt like he was floating