Originally Posted by NickyfromTampa
Thanks Furio.
And, in the other Buffalo thread, we also established that the chart is inaccurate because it lists associates as members frequently, meaning this list could actually be more than double of who were know are actually made members. For example, all we know about James Feliciano is that he was arrested as part of Russ Carcone’s fencing ring. We have no idea in what capacity. But Bill Feather lists him as made. There is not a sliver of evidence that even points to that being true. I’m sure there are far more examples and yes, like you said, the Luppino thing is probably a factor as well. All in all, Bill Feather is a researcher - he has no real authority over other mainstream sources, since all he does is compile information from mainstream sources. Why he lists associates as made members (I have some examples in his Tampa chart as well), is anybody’s guess. But there is no way that anybody can point to his charts and say “Look, Bill says the family has (blank) members and the feds only say the family has (blank) members! The feds must be lying.”

I found this Mukremin 2012 chart of Buffalo family

[Linked Image]

Last edited by furio_from_naples; 08/01/18 04:13 AM.