* Barney was always surveillance-conscious and would have meetings in strange places, including in the front of cars with the hood up and the engine running, on medians and traffic islands, and at black clothing stores (where a fed would stand out)..
That's great.
It's genius is what it is.
If you want to join the Mob or the underworld for that matter, you better pay close attention to Barney and do it right

From what Michael Giovanni said Barney seems like he didn't / doesn't take any shit from anyone. From having a following at such a young age and clipping people at 18-19 he must of been one serious pitbull. You would have to be. Getting the attention from guys like that I expect he took on some big people and some big jobs risking death in the underworld & the death penalty. One serious guy
Guys like these last a long time. He obviously didn't care about how he looked to the wannabes, he played it quiet and smooth. That's how its done. It surprises me he has that mindset because of the wild era and environment he grew up in