This is tongue in cheek but even if you met butt naked for a meeting, these rats would stick an audio device up their ass. These guys are absolutely desperate to stay out of prison at all cost. Which makes you wonder why be a gangster in the first place?
I don't mean to get graphic here , but is it even possible to effectively utilize an audio device in the manner you've described ? I mean I'd wager that it would be extremely uncomfortable ( to say the least ) to walk around with a audio device concealed in the manner you've described , not to even mention it's effectiveness at recording anything of worthwhile quality .
This is probably gonna come off silly , but ( to add to the hypothetical ideas proposed above ) I'd definitely make sure that every member of my organization would have sex on a regular basis with trusted female associates ( in all likelihood prostitutes ) if I happened to be a mob boss . In fact I'd even require said female associates to give massages of the area you've described above , during said sessions to eliminate the possibility of concealing audio devices in the manner described above .
Of course law enforcement could and would try to flip said female associates , but that's my out of the box contribution to the realm of this hypothetical scenario .