Thank you all for your inputs.
Does anyone have any recent image of Vena?
What’s Nicholas Cataudella’s status?
I know this image is not that clear, anyone knows who the second guy from the left is? One caption on Pinterest listed him as Frank Damato.
![[Linked Image]](
I assume you mean from the viewer’s left. We all know who second from the left is from the subjects vantage point.
Regarding the post below, the people who have an interest in making it seem like the Outfit is thriving comple every single vaguely related crime committed by anyone who ever knew or was distantly related to anyone. Similarly they come up with enormous lists of every single tangentially related person however spuriously connected to a former Outfit associate who is in a union, city job, etc., and advance it as evidence they are still exerting control over these unions et al.
Obviously there is no real way to know. Everyone knows what I think. But you can’t disprove an unknown, so it will likely continue like this indefinitely.
Here’s what Aleman had to say before he died.
But he adds that the increasing number of mob informants is one of the reasons "no new people [are] coming into the mob.
"The reporters and newspapers have to keep it alive, but there ain't nothing in Chicago, no street tax, no extortion, no nothing," Aleman says. "There might be some old guys languishing around, but it's moot.
"The younger generation doesn't want no part of the mob; it's over." Aleman adds that young men would rather go to college and not take a risk they'd end up like him.
"There's no dice games, no card games, no bookmaking, if there's any bookmaking, it's just with the Jewish people on the North Side," he says, adding that even if that's happening, there's no street tax on the money changing hands.
"There's nobody who wants to do the job; this isn't the '30s or '40s," he recalls. "Is there a mob running over, putting people in trunks? . . . No, nobody wants to be part of it because of the feds. ... And these guys don't want to go to no jail like Harry.
"Whoever they locked up recently, they locked them up for their past performance, because they haven't been doing anything for the past 10 or 15 years."