It seems that that post Prio, the only thing which connected the Outfit and the Sicilians or zips from the east coast was narcotics, and possibly the car theft business. But the problem was that from the 1970s onward dope dealing was strongly forbidden by the Outfit's top admin (mostly by Accardo, Alex, Cerone and Aiuppa, not by the whole organization) and story goes that even Galante visited Chicago regarding the problem and a deal was made that none of the Sicilians can stay in Chicago or deal with their members, but instead they were allowed to sell their product through other non-Outfit criminals and also to establish themselves in other cities around Illinois. The problem was that some Outfit associates and even members were still getting involved, which additionally brought to the number of the Outfit related murders during the 70s that went over 100. Later the lower level members were mostly involved with the Cubans, Colombians and African-Americans so there was not much space for the Sicilians from the east coast and the so-called pizza connection was over by then. Also, many Outfit associates were using pizza shops for dope dealing since the early 50s.

In addition, Galante was in Chicago since the 50s or before going to prison, and already established a narcotics ring in the same city with the help of different Sicilian or non-Sicilian groups which were under the auspices of the Outfit. Dont forget that Accardo was the first Sicilian boss of the Outfit or the Capone Mob and he came from the Northwest Side and W Grand Av area, an old territory for names such as Lolordo, Provenzano or Loverde but it seems that neither Accardo, nor his buddies, were ever related to that hardcore Sicilian thing, instead they cooperated with everyone who was making cash and was loyal to the Capone Mob. As a matter of fact, Sicilians such as Accardo or Giancana who were born in the states were the main problem for the hardcore Sicilians in taking over the second largest city at the time.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.