Years ago, We had a friend / associate at work related events that would go off the rails once he got to a certain age.

For years he was fine going out for dinner and drinks late into the evening after a big day at work.

Then all of sudden, like flicking a switch, he would go whacko,,,, he did get up there in years and was sad to see but he just got old and tried to do the same as he always did, work hard and party hard..... I guess his doctors also had him on some meds so that had to feed into it.

He would all of sudden start talking crazie and harassing women, we would put him in a car with someone to make sure he got home fine.
When I was younger, that someone was me, man was he a handful

God Bless his Soul, he is gone now but I understand how these things can happen to anyone.

BTW - I’m watching a movies.. right now “ Keep Watching” it has the Kid from Walking Dead in it. Not Bad. Spookie

Be Loyal, Be Loving, Be Quiet.