The Bass network that is affiliated with Trafficante and Gambino crime families through Chris Magliano who had a relative up in New York with the Colombo crime family and Bruce Childs both based in Miami. The Bass group specialties are money laundering and narcotics trafficking. Jacksonville connection to the Genovese crime family ended in the late 1970s, and officially ended in the 1990s. The group no longer operates as some members moved away and was small time anyway. The biggest group in your area is the Rollin 20s. The only know OC that you may be talking about is a Ukrainian mobster who is a bookie who is a supporter of US intervention in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. You also have outlaw biker gangs in the area that have a huge presence, the two that comes to my mind are Outlaws, and Outcasts.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green