He certainly was the key reason for an Allie victory in World War II. If not for his orders to fight Germany after Germany invaded Russia, we may have not been here today.
No he wasn't. US plus UK would have defeated the Axis Powers. UK and Russia would not have. Germany could have sealed the western front if not for America and apply their entire military to the east and win. Germany was already kicking Russia's ass in combat, as about 12 Russians were killed for every German. The Russians won by much larger numbers, and with the assistance of some American technology. The Allied Western front led by America would have taken a full attack from Germany and still won even if the Germans weren't fighting in the east. Russia helped but didn't change the outcome, only America did. Not to mention America was almost single-handedly fighting the Japanese in the Pacific, while Stalin didn't even pay attention to them. So, yes, we would be here today. You're totally wrong about WWII.

He certainly helped the poor and tried to rebuild czarist Russia.
Oh, really? :rolleyes:

We must also remember that Stalin killed over 20 million people in his concentration camps.
I guess you mean by killing he helped them. Helped the poor... Stalin's Russia was insanely poor and he killed over 20 million civilians.... real admirable system there, huh Pat.

Stalin was a useless evil bum.

"Today I settled all family business, so don't tell me you're innocent, Carlo-" Michael Corleone

"I punks ed i gruppi ed i rappers moderni hanno avuti timore migliore il sole aumentante di questa cosa di il nostro."