Well, probably the best one to read is Nicholas Riasanovski's A History of Russia. It's not just about the revolution, it's a complete history dating from the pre-Kievan era all the way to just before Putin took office.
For revolution stuff you might try The History of Soviet Russia: The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1922 by Edward Carr, or the Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes.
There's also an interesting one about Lenin and the Cheka called The Cheka: Lenin's Secret Police by George Leggett.
Most of these will talk about not just the Bolshevik (i.e. Novemeber Revolution) but also about the earlier March Revolution that was basically a popular uprising in responce to Russia's handling of WWI. The earlier revolution was kind of a precursor to the latter, and you'll find that the two actually run together.