I've been waiting to reply to this since I saw it at 7 this morning.

Obviously, we both have 2 different views on Russia's impact on the war, so I feel no need to further continue on about that because my opinion simply won't change.

Then let's talk about Hitler. There was one man who took control of an entire nation and changed the face of the world. Tip you hat to him?
I tip my hat, not because I believe he was good man or did good things, but because he had the power to do the bad things he did.

But, wow, you may know your WW II, but when it comes to Vietnam, that is my territory, and you're way off of it now.

Defeat the US military? Let's take a look.
US casualties in Vietnam war: 53,000
North Vietnamese (not on our side) casualties: 1.1 million
The US lost 56,000 soldiers. BTW, you fail to mention the rest of the Vietnamese we massacred. You're off by about 2 or 3 million. I'm curious, but what do casualties have to do with this? Russia lost more people in WW II than any other country and it was on the winning team.

The reason people like you look back and say we lost was because we pulled out before there was a conclusion, and after we left the North beat the South.
In 1954, we entered what was known as Indochina to help the French keep their colony. It was divided at the 16th parallel, the north being communist and the south being run by democratically-elected President Ngo Dien Mi, who was no angel himself. I don't look back and say we lost because we pulled out. We lost because we didn't succeed. Our goal was to prevent Vietnam from becoming communist. To this day, Vietnam is still communist. We lost the Vietnam War.

LBJ messed up.
Dwight Eisenhower took office in 1954, who just happens to be a Republican! And Nixon did so much better when he took office too. :rolleyes:

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur