They say this trial will last about 6 months and will take about 3 weeks to select the jury. I'm sure I'll read updates on it. It's not televised is it???

Did anyone see and tidbits of an interview with Jackson's parents with I think, an English lady named Daphne something????? I don't know if it aired already or will be aired, but Joe Jackson was very outspoken in his opinions. He said that he made "no" mistakes with his children; and of course that Michael was innocent. What troubled me is in his words, the reason why they are picking on Michael all comes down to one thing..."race". :rolleyes: I have a hard time buying that, since his son "was" loved, admired by all races.

He also said regarding Michael's plastic surgeries that there is too big a deal made out of it, and again paraphrasing him, he said, "you know who has a lot of plastic surgeries? Jews. He said almost every Jew has plastic surgery. His wife and him were arguing to a degree. She told him to "shut-up."

Does anyone know of this interview and if it's been aired, has anyone seen it?


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon