Just driving ones I deal with every single effing day:
1 - Drivers not using their blinkers
2 - Drivers who don't turn off their blinkers
3 - Drivers who drive with their high beams on
4 - Drivers who drive with no headlights at all (in the dark)
5 - Slowass drivers who don't stay to the right
6 - Slowass drivers who do stay to the right LOL
7 - Drivers who are in the way (like, taking up more space than they need when turning)
8 - Drivers who see no problem driving on the shoulder way before their right turn
9 - Drivers who rush to get in front of me, cutting me off, who then drive wayyy too slowly
10 - Drivers ahead of me who make illegal turns, etc, like the rules don't pertain to them
11 - Drivers who speed through school zones or past school busses or through ped crossings
12 - Yes, drivers texting on their phones (tho I have less of a problem with ppl talking on the phone -- what's the difference between that and a CB radio for instance?)
13 - Most other drivers
I think I'm forgetting a few, but #13 should cover them. I'm pretty sure the first time I get arrested will be for road rage