while helping a friend move years ago, I ate a piece of Little Ceasers pizza. That is not pizza. The makers of it should be arrested for fraud and attempted murder.

If you don't have access to REAL pizza (i.e. NYC or Chicago or New England) you don't know any better and think that those pizza chains like Dominos or Little Caesars are the real thing. It isn't but ignorance is bliss.

Geez..SC..not like that u don't..I..or should I say WE here in Philly r pizza snobs & have a great deal of joints that WILL rival ur old school but tried & true joints in NYC...Now..why don't u in ur spare time Google "Stella" pizza phila. ,,w/ the black truffle shavings & a sunny side up w/ runny yolk egg ...or the "Osteria pizzeria" " on Broad st. by our most famous chef Marc Vetri ..just 1once google SC philly pizza & u will c we r nor have been left out in the cold lately..our pizza is rivaling ur old school NY pasty dough shit 4 a while now..lol..
Yeah, Phili has good Food.
Here in Arizona, the preferred toppings are cactus and sand...
Thats Hysterical.
What I will never understand, is how and why people dip their pizza in ranch dressing! AB-SOUL-LOOT-LEE disgusting! It's a southern thing. I have no idea how it got started but I'll never do it. They actually offer it as a condiment. Crushed peppers, Parmesan cheese or ranch.
Nope, noway, Ranch on a Pete za.....no Way.