The O.J. verdict thoroughly stunned me...this one did not. I could whine and bemoan the fact that he was let off 'cause of his billions (and I do believe that his celebrity definitely was a factor). But, quite frankly, the prosecution's witnesses (other than the poor victim himself) blew this one, particularly the kid's weird mother. I still think they should've pushed for a mistrial way back when one of the jurors was overheard making fun of the molested boy, but maybe there wasn't enough evidence to prove that actually happened. At any rate, at least with a mistrial, they could regroup and re-try the bastard. Oh, make no mistake: he may be "not guilty," but he's far from "innocent." Anybody that believes Jack-Off didn't molest that kid and countless others, I got a bridge to sell you. Sadly, though, the prosecution just couldn't prove it.

I suppose that perhaps one day when he tries it again and hopefully his potential victim emascualtes him with a hidden switchblade, maybe the morons will awaken and say, "Gee. Maybe he really is a child molester!" Until then, I'm praying he'll fade into obscurity...or hell.

Just wished I would've been there and had my 12 gauge when that stupid broad released the white doves for the media... There is no justice in this world, but that s.o.b. will have to answer for it in the one to come. At least I can take solace in that...that, and the hope that maybe his superstar career is finally over and he'll just be looked upon as what he truly is: a pedophile punk who was just lucky enough to get off.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)