Two dykes sucking off John's for crystal meth, eating eath other out with fresh louds still in there mouth , and poof, we have a not funny coward troll who 100 percent wouldnt show 1 percent of the disrespectful manners if not hiding behind 15 vpns in some trailer somewhere .
Yeah. Overweight mobsters who've never played a sport or used a wrench or hammer in their entire lives really terrify me. You sure got me there. I sincerely apologise for my rude joke about a scumbag criminal and heroin dealer.
You sure do seem to know a lot about prostitutes, pimps, drugs and male body fluid by the way.

Says a lot about the kind of environment you grew up in.
Be sure to PM me a link to your Facebook profile, big guy, so we can carry on this chat over there instead of spamming the thread with this silliness. You know, since I'm such a coward and since you're such a stone gangster.