Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Originally Posted by Irishman12
Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Originally Posted by Irishman12
HOTEL MUMBAI was a difficult film to watch at times. Overstayed it's welcome a little bit (runtime of 122 minutes). The Armie Hammer storyline was hamfisted in to the story, which honestly, could have been done without and still come off just as good. 6/10

Solid six, well....i was planning on this next but she changed her mind and wants to see US this week.

I may be able to watch some better movies soon as well since Ive decided to pull the trigger and get a streaming box, will keep cable as well but will have much more options.

Nice. What did you get? I wouldn't mind cutting the cord since I only watch a few channels, but there's some shows I don't believe are available on demand, so that's 1 reason I haven't done it yet.

Go Surf” device..... it could cut the cord but a bit unreliable for the wife,,,, fine for me.

Some stuff loads perfectly , some do not..... its a learning curve and requires a lot of searching but once you know where to go , its really great fun and a eye opener.

Yeah I've seen those before. I'm not sure I have the patience for them. Don't know which movies work and which ones don't. It's great when it works but frustrating when it doesn't.