Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
Lavinia, I'm considering to send you those Nasorine's cookies as a sign of respect.
what on the earth are "those Nasorine's cookies"???? [/QB][/quote]Sorry my dear, I forgot that you didn't read the great book yet. How can you live without it? They were so creamy...
Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
I liked Gangs of NY (yes, with a great LEO in it!!! :p ), Once upon a time in America, Rocky (only the first one, though) and GF3 (not crazy about it, but I liked) -- did not watch Leon. Do I still deserve your respect?
Only if I still deserve your respect disliking them!
Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:

Seriously, my friend, I think being indipendent in one's tastes it's a sign of intelligence and maturity. I believe it's easier when you are not in your teens anymore (since a loooooooooong time, in my case! )
Yes, it is easier when you are not. And when you have terrible character.

keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open.