Thing is, HELLBOY was an enjoyable comic book from the issues I had read that had a pretty good premise.

But the movie....f*ck, I don't know where to begin on what the hell went wrong(and its not adaptation reasons, for I could care less if some character's hair was correct or not. I just want a good movie.) but I'll these 3 things about the movie.

(1) - Ron Perlman was good. Sure the movie was mediocre-as-waste-of-time, Perlman was kinda enjoyable to watch. I say "kinda" because rest of the movie wasn't worth my time. Hell, it is NEVER a good omen when your villain sucks. Really, better the villain, better the hero.

(2) - I quite liked the make-up technical job on this film.

(3) - Remember the scene with the Russian corpse on Perlman's back? Man that was the insane wacky humor/action adventure that I enjoyed about the comics. I mean that was the only good scene in the whole film. Too bad the rest of the movie can I say....*cough*

Then again Irishman, remember that I didn't care for THE PUNISHER film. Of course I enjoyed Garth Ennis' work where you had absolutely fun action comic storytelling while you had just very good dark comedy. I mean stuff like the title character having to fight an army of midgets, using bodies in a morgue as human shields, or better yet....a good reason WHY you shouldn't stick your head through the glass window on subways....

But the PUNISHER movie, man I revise my statement, I was disapointed. However, its still alot better than the older Dolph Lundgren clunker.