If I allow it to, just about any film will entertain me for however long it lasts. But for me, it helps to have some weight behind that entertainment; and as already said, Scarface's running length is too long for what it's trying to say, so there are many times in the film where I'm not engaged (I use present tense, as I tend to revisit it every three months or so).

Pacino's whole oeuvre tends to be over-the-top: outrageous stares, animated body language and littered with sudden bursts of verbal diarrhoea. A great actor, but Tony Montana is merely an influential charicature.

There are millions of films much worse than Scarface, but as already highlighted, I only pick it out because of why so many people bewilderingly find merit in it.


...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?