Toodoped: MeyerLansky is GBB's new "50 Cent" lol Cheers buddy and stay safe
MeyerLansky: haha thank you buddy ! i hope i will go home today, the doctors will give an answer later this day
Toodoped: I wish you the best buddy and dont forget, what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger
MeyerLansky: indeed thank you buddy ! all the best to you too !
Toodoped: Fuck the ScottB & Button/Zipper Pants sites and fuck their paywalls. This forum gives you everything for free and so best wishes and good health to both JGeoff and TB!
Toodoped: Cheers and stay tuned for more free information.
Toodoped: Cant believe that some posters need to open three different threads so they can advertise their projects, and also talk to themselves with the help of different accounts. What is the world coming to?!
Toodoped: whoomp there it is! whoomp there it is! lol
Toodoped: a bird told me that the zipper pants site is slowly going down lol lol lol
Toodoped: The best fun for me is being the puppeteer of a complete idiot lol lol
Toodoped: ...and screw all paywalls and paying sites. They wont give you shit
Toodoped: Thanks buddy! We should continue fighting against these lying paying sites and to protect everyone on this forum, especially the younger generation or posters.
Toodoped: these days lots of people that I know lost their families and everything they had because its legit and even youngsters can chip in
Toodoped: Same as the mob paying sites...ppl pay for "Disneyland" and wiki mob stuff, something which they can find it on their own with a simple google search
VanillaLimeCoke: Lousy school violence these days. Not even a 6th of the way through September and we've already had a psychotic violent school shooting.
Toodoped: Word. Few days ago, over here, they caught one teenager with a gun and more than 60 bullets, while going to school. I wonder what was his plan ?!
Toodoped: Damn....the retard slowly became a stalker and he's following me whenever I make a post so he can bump up his own $0,5 "projects" lol lol "IT" is finished and I love it lol
Toodoped: Cant believe this off to find some real pussy
Toodoped: aaaaand....the retarded stalker is back again
Toodoped: For those who enjoyed the "TD's Free Outfit Articles 2023/24" thread, well thanks to @TB for making it a sticky on the first page in the OC forum so everyone can enjoy it. Again, I want to personally say thanks to TB, JGeoff and the whole GBB forum. Salut
VanillaLimeCoke: I can’t take it anymore. Everything has gotta change. Or at least a lot.
Toodoped: Screw the world bro...the main thing today is to take care of you and yours.
VanillaLimeCoke: I’m hoping and praying that 2025 will be so much better. …. for real …. Too
Giacomo_Vacari: Damn, he is posting the same things over and over, nothing new. Watch out the flu is bad this year. January 20th Trump gets sworn in, and hopefully turn things around.
VanillaLimeCoke: Yeah, but they’re already planning things so he can’t turn them around
VanillaLimeCoke: Biden’s pardened over 8000 people, most of which were issued in the last 2-3 months
hoodlum: Yes, most likely 2 piss off that crybaby & compulsive liar now sadly in office.
Jason1969: Hey! After applying months ago, I finally got my button and was accepted as a member!
Some guy fliped. I forgot name already but he said he bought his button for 10k. He could be saying that to get whoever sponcerd him in trouble or shelved. But i wonder what the guy did to make him flip in yhe first place. His nickname was sharkey. Said the consig Esposito took the money for a button. Could be petty shit but why was he broke down from consig and they put porky z there. Should be a interesting trial
read capecis article looks like the meldish murder is falling apart. the judge is openingly questioning the gov about there witnesses. the main witness said his father did it then changed his story and got busted selling herion last month. madonna looks like he will get off and the others but crea sr. will get burried for shaking down some construction company that built a hospital in the bronx. the owner of the bussiness flipped
read capecis article looks like the meldish murder is falling apart. the judge is openingly questioning the gov about there witnesses. the main witness said his father did it then changed his story and got busted selling herion last month. madonna looks like he will get off and the others but crea sr. will get burried for shaking down some construction company that built a hospital in the bronx. the owner of the bussiness flipped
Yea still doesn’t look good for crea senior but it blows my mind sometimes how low the government will go with these rats. They don’t care who you are or what you did as long as you can give them someone high up in rank they will blow you for information.
Nother lil update from capecis site. A luchese soldier flipped last October. Pissini or something close. Guys only like 40yrs old. Hes saying he was made on staten island my matt madonna who cutt his finger with a huge knife and let him keep it. Guess hes set to testify against that guy boopsie. He came up in boopsie brothers crew. Guy did like 20yrs for a murder in high school it says from 89 to he got realesed in 07. Crazy made guys flip nowadays its like nothing. A guy in the bonannos fliped said he paid 10k for his button it barely made the press another recorded the induction nothing. Butt it goes to show matt madonna just keeps the training moving. He was inducting the perna brothers back in like 07 in new jersey. He gets around
Oh crea sr. Might get bail next week there case is fucked. The guy pissini said madonna inducted him in 2013. Madonna went to nj prison in like 2014. I wonder if crea took over as acting boss 2015 till he was locked up 2 yrs ago
That guy eugene castelle found guilty of the gambling and conspiracy. Should have took the year. Guess hes free on bail but they'll hammer him in September at sentencing
That guy eugene castelle found guilty of the gambling and conspiracy. Should have took the year. Guess hes free on bail but they'll hammer him in September at sentencing
Not for nothing but he’s a fucking fool. 8-14 months was what he was offered. He should have took it. Fucking moron.
I remember running into him leaving my friend Val’s apartment near Bath Ave. I don’t know why maybe because we opened the door before he knocked but he looked spooked. You heard about Boobies and big John a lot back then. They had the club on bay 50th. I remember someone saying big John got made on his fathers deathbed but I can’t confirm if it’s true.
I remember running into him leaving my friend Val’s apartment near Bath Ave. I don’t know why maybe because we opened the door before he knocked but he looked spooked. You heard about Boobies and big John a lot back then. They had the club on bay 50th. I remember someone saying big John got made on his fathers deathbed but I can’t confirm if it’s true.
Do you remmeber where was the club exact? Was their father made or what?
I remember running into him leaving my friend Val’s apartment near Bath Ave. I don’t know why maybe because we opened the door before he knocked but he looked spooked. You heard about Boobies and big John a lot back then. They had the club on bay 50th. I remember someone saying big John got made on his fathers deathbed but I can’t confirm if it’s true.
Do you remmeber where was the club exact? Was their father made or what?
Bay 50th between Bath and Cropsey Ave. It was right off Cropsey.
I believe Big Johns father was made but someone like bronx would know better then me. He knows a lot about the old neighborhood.
I remember running into him leaving my friend Val’s apartment near Bath Ave. I don’t know why maybe because we opened the door before he knocked but he looked spooked. You heard about Boobies and big John a lot back then. They had the club on bay 50th. I remember someone saying big John got made on his fathers deathbed but I can’t confirm if it’s true.
Do you remmeber where was the club exact? Was their father made or what?
Bay 50th between Bath and Cropsey Ave. It was right off Cropsey.
I believe Big Johns father was made but someone like bronx would know better then me. He knows a lot about the old neighborhood.
Okay thanks pal. Was it like a club or a bar?
Re: Lucchese hierarchy bust
[Re: domwoods74]
#972648 06/05/1910:00 AM06/05/1910:00 AM
You think Madonna and the guys going to trial told Castelle not to take the plea so the feds would have to expose who their rat is at his trial? Just thinking out loud... or do you think they already knew it was this Pennisi guy?
Re: Lucchese hierarchy bust
[Re: domwoods74]
#972650 06/05/1910:45 AM06/05/1910:45 AM
the feds took the guy off the street i read in oct. so basically hes a ghost. he was best friends with vic amuso son in law. so if he doesnt know were he is after 1 week he probaly asks the guys family or girl friend. then they know he flipped and is in witness program. so im guessing they knew he flipped 7,8 months ago.
So capeci wrote crea jrs taking a plea deal on everything but the meldish murder up to 13yrs. If he plead guilty to the murder he would have only gotten 10. Thats fucked by the DA trying to make the son break his dads spirit on going to trial on the murder. Guess they have a strong case on everything but the murder. The gov cant get anyone saying crea or madonna orderd it. Its all he said this that.
13 hmmm. For a first time bidder who lived a charmed life i would belive thats a stretch. Think he never been in prison till hea 48. 13 is what 11 with good time 10 5
Thats were Epstein just killed himself correct sitte? That s just a conspiracy theory thread for another website. Disgusting vile pedophile he was the whole indictment and charges should have been brought 10 yrs ago atleast never mind the crimes in it are in like 2003 04 05. Hmmmm. I no that mcc place broke that guy anthony arillotta from springfield he said but you know that shitbag didnt want to do life for some genovese boss 2 hrs below springfield from the bronx. He said all the shit they tortured him. I think he flipped in like a. Week or 10days. Fish cafaro flipped there and probaly a dozen colombo guys. I no all the black folks were protesting this winter outside they didnt have heat for weeks. Funny strange story i read there was a minor earthquake in nyc a few yrs back and the boss andrew russo old guy was on a phone and they told everone back to there cells and he was def and on phone so they shot him with a bean bag
Yup- that sick fuck died there.... all u hear is how it’s hell on earth there....not in the sense of solitary confinement but condition-wise..... has to be a decent precursor to fed time...he’s pleading to some violent acts-no???? Wonder what designation the BOP gives him.....
"Whackin' the boss....another thing I get left out of."
Well if they give him 13 yrs i dont know i guess a medium somewhere for awhile even thou he didnt plead guilty to murder i think he did to a beating or 2. And hes a mafia guy. So theyll send him to like Allewwoord or dix or somewhere medium for a few years. I hate to bring this up all reapect to my old board member friend pizza but he get pissed when someone would mention crea jr was in the life.......
So capeci wrote crea jrs taking a plea deal on everything but the meldish murder up to 13yrs. If he plead guilty to the murder he would have only gotten 10. Thats fucked by the DA trying to make the son break his dads spirit on going to trial on the murder. Guess they have a strong case on everything but the murder. The gov cant get anyone saying crea or madonna orderd it. Its all he said this that.
Very sentimental, pmac. Junior is a fifty-something year old man, not a kid.
I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.
Re: Lucchese hierarchy bust
[Re: pmac]
#977068 08/16/1907:59 AM08/16/1907:59 AM
Well if they give him 13 yrs i dont know i guess a medium somewhere for awhile even thou he didnt plead guilty to murder i think he did to a beating or 2. And hes a mafia guy. So theyll send him to like Allewwoord or dix or somewhere medium for a few years. I hate to bring this up all reapect to my old board member friend pizza but he get pissed when someone would mention crea jr was in the life.......
I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.
Re: Lucchese hierarchy bust
[Re: domwoods74]
#977071 08/16/1910:10 AM08/16/1910:10 AM
I never expected a plea for such a long stretch. This a decade behind bars. My expectation was 8 or 10 maximum. This tells me, despite the GangLand articles, there is stronger case than we presume. Thirteen years is a long time.