Originally Posted by LuanKuci
^ sad to see that JC managed to upset you to the point of making you losing your cool.

Comparing the American LCN to other crime groups is more than normal for those interested in the dynamics of global organized crime.

As countlessly proven by several reports and indictments, they’re definitely not just a mere glorified street gang. The Mob’s scope, power and overall influence isn’t nearly as diminished as many hope it would have by the new millennium. Matter of fact, several law enforcement agencies went as far as admitting how wrong they were in calling the Mob a “thing of the past”. There are many statements where officials share their worries concerning contemporary LCN.

For instance, we know how very few criminal organizations can rival the five families in many lucrative illegal activities in the in the tri-state area. It’s also clear how old connections to families overseas are still in place.

Bugsy and Lansky weren’t remotely as “key” to the greatness of the US mob as you make it sound. Luciano was a great strategist and reformist but the Mafia was powerful long before he came along.

I don’t know who those “rats” you mentioned are supposed to be. Wiseguys or the average working class Italian-American. I imagine it’s the wiseguys, but if it’s the latter, then I’d advise you to take a break from the internet.

Plenty of us Italian-Americans have all the right to define ourselves “Italian” for a plethora of cultural, ethnic and historical reasons that I’m not going to write down out of respect for your common sense.

This said, I’m sorry that JC (or whoever has hacked his profile) pissed you off. Just ignore this troll and he’ll stop messing with the boards.

'I don’t know who those “rats” you mentioned are supposed to be. Wiseguys or the average working class Italian-American. I imagine it’s the wiseguys, but if it’s the latter, then I’d advise you to take a break from the internet''
of course i meant to mob rats...
''Plenty of us Italian-Americans have all the right to define ourselves “Italian” for a plethora of cultural, ethnic and historical reasons that I’m not going to write down out of respect for your common sense''
i meant that about certain italian american gangsters
not civilians of course !!!